Warm and Fuzzy

Warm and Fuzzy

When you think of fur, you usually envision a beautiful evening gown, exquisite jewelry and a night out on the town, but fur can be worn so many different ways.  You can dress it up or dress it down.  Here, I have chosen to pair my fur with jeans.  In a...
Lovely Day

Lovely Day

I woke up this morning with the song, “Lovely Day,” in my head.  The weather was beautiful and I was feeling great. I actually found a pair of pre-pregnancy minnie pants in my closet that I can still wear!  I could not believe it.  Now that...
Butter London – My New Faves

Butter London – My New Faves

In a prior post, “Go Green,” I introduced you to butter LONDON, a “3 Free Nail Lacquer,” which means it is non-toxic and formulated without the use of formaldehyde, toluene, DBP or Parabens.  For pregnant women and those who are...
Home for the Holidays

Home for the Holidays

There’s no place like home for the holidays.  My husband and I visited our parents for Thanksgiving and we planned to visit our parents again for Christmas.  However, we decided that we need to just settle down and be still for a while.  Our...
Red Beans and Rice

Red Beans and Rice

It has been a long journey.  For the past two days, I have been trying to cook red beans and rice.  When I was in college at Southern University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, the cafeteria cooks prepared read beans and rice every Monday.  Seriously, they...
Christmas Is Near

Christmas Is Near

I love Christmas — the smell of fresh cut Christmas trees, Christmas carols, dinner parties, and most important is the celebration of my Savior Jesus Christ’s birth.  However, I hate getting involved in the hustle and bustle of shopping.  Long...