The Senator’s Place

The Senator’s Place

Being home in the Mississippi Delta always gives me that “warm and fuzzy” feeling inside.  I can visit with my family, see old friends, and eat good cooking.  My mom always prepared a feast whenever I came home to visit, but now that she is no...
Leave a Legacy

Leave a Legacy

A couple of weeks ago, I chartered a yacht and cruised down the Tennessee River with some amazing women who always inspire me to be the best.  I know it has been a while since I sat at this computer and wrote a blog, but I’ve been doing some...
Live Life

Live Life

A couple of weeks ago, I felt a large mass in my breast.  I had just checked my breasts in the shower on Sunday.  On Tuesday, I had a throbbing sensation near the lower part of my breast that I knew was not there before. I immediately called my doctor....
Act Like A Lady

Act Like A Lady

I was in New Orleans this weekend. It was 75 degrees, and I was feeling girly, so I wore a skirt.  This was supposed to be a fun fashion blog, but it has suddenly turned into my podium. My favorite second line music is “Do Whatcha’...
The Eaves Restaurant

The Eaves Restaurant

I think I’m in love with The Eaves Restaurant in Huntsville.  I went on a fun lunch date with some wonderful women I met during my time here in Huntsville.  Sometimes, you have to put work, kids, and everyone else aside and just spend time...