Before we left for New York, I asked the kids to look online and tell me what they wanted to do in New York. My oldest had read Towers Falling and wanted to go to the 9/11 memorial museum. They also wanted to go to the Museum of Ice Cream and to the Sloomoo Institute. Sloomoo is a favorite among locals because their kids get to play with slime. Who doesn’t love a good handful of buttery soft slime? Me! I’m not a slime addict, but my kids love it, so we decided to visit Sloomoo, which originated in SoHo, New York City in 2019. This was sensory play to the max!

Of course, they have all of these slime items you can purchase from slime cleaner to diy slime kits. The list was endless of slime options.

The kids had to clean their hands, and the sliming began.
First, they went to the slime sling shot. You place a huge clump of slime in the sling shot while your friends stand behind the bullseye, then POP! You hit the bullseye while your friend stands behind the glass waiting for your best shot! I knew the slime was coming, but I was still startled when the bullseye was hit. LOL!

Slime Sling Shot and bullseye
Next, they went through the building testing the feel and smell of each of the slimes. My kids liked the buttery, snow fizz, and clear slime options.

Buttery Slime

Snow Fizz Slime
Each slime station has a sign that tells about the texture, smell, swirl, and stretch factor, which makes it much easier to choose your slime texture and scent at the end.

They also have the Sloomoo Sidekick, which allows you to type fun facts about yourself onto a screen. The screen then displays the Sloomoo character that you are most like. When you make your slime, you get to pick several Sloomoo charms to add to your slime.

There are also several fun, colorful, and “fluffy” booths to take pictures.

After playing with slime, it is now time to go and make your slime. Each person has to purchase a ticket to get into Sloomoo. So, Matt and I also had tickets. We gave our two tickets to the girls, so they were able to make 2 jars of slime each. They were so excited. I cringed knowing my kids were coming home with 4 jars of slime.

First, the kids chose their texture (jelly, snow fizz, buttery, clay, etc.). There were several different textures to choose from. Then, they went to another station to receive their fragrance. There were so many different scents to choose from — birthday cake, Fruit Loops, vanilla, pumpkin, and the list goes on. They have a wall of scents for you to smell before you choose. Next, you choose your color, then your charms. The final step is to go to the station to mix your slime.
For an additional fee, you can get slimed!

At the end, they have an obstacle course, but unfortunately I did not get pictures of the obstacle course without my kids in the pics, so I don’t have a picture to share. However, you can go to their website here and catch up on all the fun.
My kids absolutely loved it. They love slime, so the Sloomoo Institute was a great experience for them. They spent about an hour in Sloomoo and they still play with their slime throughout the day since we arrived home.
Please note that parents have to purchase admission ($50 per person), even if they do not plan to participate. This was an experience my kids undoubtedly enjoyed — having an entire slime workout and squeezing this stuff until their hands cramped. They had a blast, and it did my soul good to watch them having so much fun! If you are in New York, and your kids are into slime, this will probably be on their list.