Museum of Ice Cream SoHo, NYC

My little one loves ice-cream, and when my oldest found this place in SoHo online, they begged to go. I loved it just as much as my kids.

When you walk in, they have a huge pink and white dollar sign hanging near the entrance. This should hang in every museum we entered in NYC! LOL!

They have lots of souvenirs (shirts, hats, socks, sweatshirts, toys, etc.) available for purchase.

Plushies for sale

This huge slide goes from the third floor of the museum to the basement (or C level). My youngest was getting ready to slide down, so I wanted to go to the bottom to take a picture of her. However, she beat me down because I got off on the 1st floor, but I was supposed to go down to level “C” instead. I was panicking because I didn’t know who or what was on “C”. I was looking for stairs, and the elevator opened. I hopped on and went down to the lower level, worried that she would be afraid and looking for me. When the elevator opened, she had pineapple ice cream in her hands dancing to the music blaring over the speaker. She did not miss me and was not looking for me, but I was a nervous wreck! They forced Matt to take the slide down. The staff told him he couldn’t get on the elevator. LOLOL! A couple of minutes after I got to the bottom floor, Matt came tumbling out of the slide!

When you enter through the doors, you pass the gift shop, then move into the area where they sell ice-cream. This is for people who want additional ice-cream after the tour, but you can eat all the ice-cream you want when you enter the museum. At the entrance, they give you a pink lemonade popsicle. I didn’t try one, but the kids and Matt loved them.

Our first stop was the ice-cream bar. Grown ups can get drinks, and everyone can get ice-cream.

They served strawberry-vanilla and pomegranate at the bar. I chose pomegranate with sprinkles.

The next room was super cute with a table of faux desserts and balloons.

Floating table of faux desserts

Next stop was the pink subway, which opened to more ice-cream.

Next up was a room filled with hanging bananas. My oldest is allergic to bananas, but no worries, they aren’t real!

The next room had a giant scooper filled with ice-cream and a billboard with magnetic letters.

I had my choice of dairy free chocolate or birthday cake ice-cream. I chose birthday cake.

Birthday cake ice-cream

The next room was a large pink area with pink tables and chairs where you could eat your ice-cream and learn about different ice-cream flavors from across the globe. The weirdest one was the Cicada ice-cream. This ice-cream has been discontinued, but Sparky’s Homemade Ice Cream in Columbus, Missouri became famous for their chocolate and brown sugar-covered cicada ice cream. They used actual cicadas to create the ice-cream. I don’t know if cicadas are in your area right now, but they are loud and out in Huntsville, Alabama. The cicadas here are huge with large orange eyes, and they are everywhere during their mating season, which comes only every 17 years or so. I don’t think I’ll be eating any of this ice-cream.

Wall of odd ice-cream flavors

Cicada Ice-Cream from Missouri

I love this hallway!

We moved on to a room with pink cotton candy and pink video games.

I went into the room where the slide dumps your kids (and husband), and I got some of the best ice-cream ever! It reminded me of Disney World’s Dole Whip. It was a soft pineapple ice-cream, and it was delicious. You can’t really see the ice-cream swirl because the lights were a bright pink in this room.

Last, but definitely not least, there is the sprinkle pool outfitted with a diving board and slide. My kids were living their best lives in this pool of sprinkles.

Pool of sprinkles

I love this pink museum — every room is pink! It was also not crowded. They have timed slots for you to enter to prevent a crowd, so I loved that. Check it out if you’re in SoHo!

Shayla Jay

Shayla Jay


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