Joe’s Pizza NYC

One New York local said, “There are four basic food groups in New York — bagels, pizza, hot dogs, and cheesecake.” I knew I wanted to get a slice of cheesecake and some pizza. I visited NY years ago before I was married. I visited a colleague from law school, and I was fasting pizza. Yes, you heard me — I was fasting pizza for a year because I loved pizza and did not want to eat it any more. Well, NY is not the place to fast pizza. I had heard a lot of great things about Joe’s Pizza, so I knew we had to try it. Joe Pozzuoli, a native of Naples, Italy (the birthplace of pizza) owns and operates the restaurant. He started the restaurant in 1975 and is still going strong.

This is the line outside of Joe’s. The reason you cannot see the Joe’s Pizza sign in the picture below is because the line is wrapped around both corners of the restaurant. However, the line went pretty quickly.

We finally got to the front of the building, and we were so excited. We went to Joe’s after seeing The Lion King. We met my husband’s cousin and her family there. They pulled up in a pedicab as we were standing in line. LOL! I loved hanging out with them. Family always makes the experience more memorable.


When we finally got into the restaurant, I was surprised by how small it was. The walls were lined with pictures of Joe and celebrities who visited the restaurant. You might remember Joe’s Pizza from Spiderman. Spiderman delivered pizza from Joe’s Pizza. It’s not just hype, but this pizza is really good! I think it is the seasonings they use in the sauce, but it is not like any other pizza I have tasted. It was worth the long line and the tight squeeze into the restaurant.

Walls lined with pictures of famous faces who have eaten at Joe’s

We got to the front of the line quickly, and as soon as we got to the front, the family on the back wall left and we were able to use their table. I was afraid we would have to walk through Times Square eating pizza, but we were able to sit and enjoy each other.

If you order more than two or three slices, they put it in a pizza box because the slices are so large.

I ordered a slice of cheese and a slice of spinach.

Matt’s cousin told me I was eating like a tourist. Locals fold their pizza while eating.

The folding of the pizza was a challenge for me. LOL!

I can attest to the fact that this is true. It is a great slice of pizza! Yum yum!

If you’re ever in Manhattan, try Joe’s Pizza. Bring along some friends, and set the mood for a great time!

Shayla Jay

Shayla Jay


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