Battery Park NYC

We had enough time in New York to visit beautiful Battery Park with the kids. Bryant Park is located less than a five-minute walk from The Knickerbocker, and Battery Park was about a 15-minute ride on the subway from our hotel. If you don’t want to go over to see the Statue of Liberty via ferry, you can see it from the pier at Battery Park.

We met a very helpful park ranger at Battery Park. When we shared with him that we were going to the 9/11 Memorial, he informed us of a shortcut to the memorial along the pier. The walk was quiet, and I cannot tell you how amazing the weather was. There was a cool breeze the entire time we were in New York, and the humidity was at a minimum, so we enjoyed a quiet peaceful walk to the memorial along the pier.

Walking along the pier to the 9/11 Memorial

Before we left Battery Park to walk along the pier to the memorial, we enjoyed the Battery Urban Farm. Whenever you see pictures of New York City, you see concrete and skyscrapers everywhere, but there are so many parks around the city. The kids really enjoyed the urban farm at Battery Park.

My mother planted a community garden through her non-profit. Families from the community could come and pick vegetables for their families. It was a great garden, and my mother loved working in it.

I have never seen celery grow in a garden. The kids were able to see strawberries, celery, lettuce, kale, and other fruits and vegetables grow. I wish I had a green thumb and could grow my own food.

Small strawberry

I never knew celery grew this tall!


Pea Shoots

Bush Beans


Visitors could pick one vegetable/fruit from the garden if there was a green sign posted on that vegetable’s row. A young man was there to oversee the garden, which was operated by a non-profit organization. The kids enjoyed their time out in the sun, and I was so grateful we took time to enjoy the garden.

Shayla Jay

Shayla Jay


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